Bryan Kasenda, MBA

Sistem pendidikan UNKLAB yang mengedepankan pertumbuhan yang seimbang antara fisik, pikiran, dan rohani sehingga memaksimalkan potensi kami dan berkontribusi positif bagi bangsa dan negara.

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Ryan Sael

My experience with Universitas Klabat was very positive. Excellent teaching staff and structured relevant course. Overall the computer science faculty has helped me tremendously later in my professional career. I feel prepared to take on the challenge for a global career opportunity

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Anne Toar

Tools dalam bidang technology menuntut kita untuk tidak berhenti belajar. Namun dalam belajar yang paling penting adalah motivasi dan cara dosen membuat mahasiswa/i sadar bahwa kita belajar untuk “create and give something back to our society”. Itulah yang saya dapat ketika berkuliah di FIK Unklab

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Patrick Sangian

In my view, FIK Unklab has built great things for students, foremostly our attitude, discipline and skills which are actually very important when we enter a workforce. Not gonna lie, but the skills and lessons I learned here have helped me to become a software engineer  

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